Zottman curl
  • The zottman curl workout has been around for many years, but you may not know that it’s one of the best exercises you can do to build huge, strong arms.
  • A lot of people think that only men want big biceps, but women are more likely than men to feel confident about their arms if they have big muscles there.
  • So if you’re looking to make yourself look thinner and more toned, adding this workout to your daily routine will do just that!
Zottman curls

The Benefits of Zottman Curls

  • The zottman curl exercise is a great bicep workout that will help you get those big beautiful biceps.
  • The zottman curl is an isolation exercise that targets the bicep muscle and builds strength in the elbow joint.

How to Do Zottman Curls

  • The Zottman curl exercise targets the bicep muscle group.
  • One way to do this exercise is to lie down on your back with a barbell in your hands and have both arms fully extended over your head.
  • Make sure that you are only using about 20% of the weight you could handle if this were a regular curl.
  • Starting from here, slowly bring one arm down until it’s nearly touching the ground, and then bring it back up to full extension before lowering it again and repeating with the other arm.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of zottman curls exercise

  • The zottman curl exercise is designed to work your biceps muscle. It’s a two-part movement that you can do at home or in the gym.
  • A good way to get the most out of this exercise is by doing it for time, not for reps. Start with a weight you can do easily for 10 reps and then go up from there as necessary.

Other Exercises to Try

  • The Zottman curl is a great exercise to target the biceps. If you want to add an extra challenge, try doing it with one arm at a time and wearing weighted vests for added resistance.
  • You can also add in some other bicep exercises like preacher curls and concentration curls for variety.
  • For more ideas on how to work your biceps out, check out these 5 Best Exercises for Bulking Up Your Biceps.

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