Weighted Pull Ups
  • Weighted pull-ups are, quite simply, pull-ups where you add weight to the exercise so that it becomes more challenging and results in more muscle growth.
  • If you’re training to get stronger or to build muscle and definition in your back and biceps, weighted pull-ups are an excellent addition to your routine.
  • Once you see how simple they are, you may wonder why you didn’t do them before!
Weighted Pull-Ups

The Benefits of Doing Weighted Pull Ups

  • Weighted pull-ups are often more difficult than the standard pull up and require you to use a weighted vest, belt, or chain in order to complete the exercise.
    • Although weighted pullups are more difficult, they can be just as beneficial when it comes to improving strength and fitness levels. Here are some of the benefits that come with doing weighted pullups:
      – Improved muscle mass
      -Improved endurance
      -Increased grip strength
      -Reduced chance of injury on upper body muscles
      -Weighted pullups should not be done without first consulting your doctor
      -Should avoid pain in the back, neck, shoulder, or elbow while performing this exercise

The Right Way to Do Weighted pull-ups

  • Weighted pull-ups are an excellent exercise for building muscle and strength in your back, arms, and shoulders.
  • They’re also a great way to build up your stabilizer muscles.
  • The most common mistake people make when doing weighted pull-ups is using too much weight.
  • You should start light, at around 10% of your body weight or less if you are just starting out.
  • This will help you develop the strength to do heavier weights in the future.

Muscles Worked

  • Weighted pull-ups are a great way to strengthen your back and core muscles.
  • The weighted pull-up exercise also engages the biceps and forearms, making them a total body workout.


  • In order to get the most out of weighted pull-ups, you need to invest in a weighted vest.
  • A good weight for beginners is about 10 pounds, but you can gradually increase the weight as you grow stronger.
  • Wear it over your workout clothes and tighten the straps around your chest.
  • Now that you’re all set, it’s time to start practicing some pull-ups! Stand on top of a bench (or use an actual bar) and grip it with both hands at shoulder-width apart.

Tips and Tricks

  • There are many benefits to performing weighted pull-ups.
  • These benefits can range from increased back strength and size to improved grip strength, as well as a stronger core. Below you will find tips to help you perform weighted pull-ups with perfect form.
    • Sit at the edge of a bench or box with your feet on the ground and your hands gripping the bar so that your hands are about shoulder-width apart.
    • Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar and then lower yourself back down. Make sure to keep your elbows close to your body for better support when you are lowering yourself down.
    • To make it easier use an assisted machine if available or have a partner give assistance by holding onto one of your legs.
    • Repeat this process for 10-12 repetitions per set.

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