Mirror Workout
  • Mirror workouts are straightforward, but can be incredibly effective.
  • All you need is a full-length mirror and some floor space to start! You don’t even need any equipment other than that, though you may find it helpful to have some hand weights or bands handy if you want to challenge yourself more.
  • With the mirror workout, you can burn calories, sculpt your body, and even tone your muscles in one efficient workout!

What is the Mirror Workout?

Mirror workout
  • The mirror workout is a new fitness routine that helps you work out your arms, chest, back, and abs.
  • You can do it at home or even while you’re waiting for the bus. It’s easy to get started–just pick up any object that has a flat side like a book or a phone and place it on your stomach.
  • Hold onto both sides of the object and use your hands to press against each other.

Why is it effective?

  • The mirror workout is a great way to get in shape because it is low-impact and easy to do.
  • It can be done virtually anywhere, and there’s no need for expensive equipment. The best part? You don’t even have to leave your house!

How to do the Mirror Workout

  • To do the mirror workout, stand facing a full-length mirror.
  • Place your hands on your hips and lift your left foot off the ground about six inches.
  • Twist your body to look over at your right side and then back to face forward. Repeat this 10 times.
  • Now do it on your other side. Repeat this 10 times on each side of your body for a total of 20 reps per side (40 reps total).

Tips for Success

  1. Find an open space for a quick workout. You can do this anywhere you have a mirror and room to move, such as your bedroom, bathroom, or living room.
  2. Perform a series of abdominal crunches, side-to-side leg lifts (alternating legs), butt kicks (squeezing your butt muscles), and calf raises by standing in front of the mirror and following along with these instructions Stand with your feet together, and hands behind your head. Lower into a deep squat position, then return to the start position and repeat. Inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up. Hold each repetition for five seconds before moving on to the next exercise in the sequence.

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