This image belongs to how to get perfect abs
  • The abs are one of the most visible areas of your body.
  • The problem with this, though, is that many people obsess over their abdominal muscles and never end up achieving their goals because they don’t know which exercises to do to achieve the look they want.
  • In order to help you get stronger abs and build the six-pack you desire, here are 10 of the best exercises that will give you stronger lower abs.

1. An ab wheel

One of the abs exercise
  • You’ve probably seen ab wheels before they look like an oversized wheelbarrow wheel, often with a handle.
  • Ab rollouts where you lie on your back and slowly roll forward, extending your arms in front of you as you go are particularly good at hitting that lower abdominal muscle that everyone seems to want.
  • The reason? Most of us have weak abs (thanks a lot, daily sit-down lives), and rolling from side to side creates more resistance than moving straight up and down.
  • As well as working your six-pack muscles, it also challenges your shoulder stability and core strength. And what exercises work multiple muscle groups?

2. Full body abs workout

  • The key to getting toned abs isn’t by focusing on just your core it’s all about strengthening your entire body with exercises that burn fat and tone your muscles.
  • For a well-rounded abdominal workout, try doing these three moves together: do five reps of squats, 10 crunches (or bicycle crunches), then finish with 10 jumping jacks.
  • Repeat three times with no rest in between each set.
  • Rest for one minute after completing three sets total, and then move on to another exercise on our list.

3. Exercise ball crunch

One of the abs exercise
  • While you can definitely buy an exercise ball, a great and inexpensive way to get started is with a basketball.
  • Lay it on its side and place your feet flat on it, slightly wider than hip-width apart.
  • Place your hands behind your head. Curl up using your abs until your shoulders come off of the floor, and then slowly lower yourself back down without letting your head touch the ground.
  • This is one rep. Do 20-25 reps per set.

4. The plank hold

plank is one of the great abs exercise
  • This exercise is simple and effective.
  • To do it, place your forearms on a solid surface (like a mat) and get into push-up position.
  • Align your wrists under your shoulders so that your body forms a straight line from ankles to head. Tighten your abs and hold for 60 seconds without resting.
  • For an added challenge, raise one leg off of the ground (right leg for 30 seconds, then left leg for 30 seconds).

5. Side plank holds

  • Lie on your side with your legs stacked and extended straight back, as if you’re lying on a table.
  • Prop yourself up onto your elbow, then lift yourself off of that elbow so that only one is supporting you and keep your body in a straight line.
  • Extend your top arm toward ceiling; balance for 15 seconds, then switch sides.
  • That’s one rep. The best part about side plank holds? You can do them anywhere in bed before you go to sleep or in line at Starbucks on your phone break.
  • And, because you won’t be balancing too much weight on top of yourself, it doesn’t matter how heavy (or not heavy) you are anyone can do these!

6. Reverse crunches with ball on feet

  • Lie with your back on a stability ball, knees bent and feet flat on floor.
  • Slowly lift your feet up, bringing both knees toward chest; then slowly lower them without letting either touch floor.
  • Repeat for 1 minute.

7. Basic leg raises

  • Here’s an exercise you can do without equipment that targets those lower abdominal muscles.
  • Lie down flat on your back, place both of your hands by the side of you, and stretch out both of your legs.
  • Keep your knees bent at 90 degrees and raise both legs toward your chest.
  • Pause, then slowly lower them to starting position. Repeat 8–10 times for one set.
  • Do two or three sets each day for best results.

8. Hanging knee raises

  • These require no equipment and can be done anywhere.
  • Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides, knees bent and feet raised about 12 inches off of the floor.
  • Next, raise your legs toward you until they are parallel with your body.
  • Then, bend your left knee in towards you so that it touches (or nearly touches) your right elbow; rotate as needed so that you keep contact between your knee and elbow while performing 15-20 repetitions.
  • Do 3 sets on each side (you may also want to keep a towel or yoga mat under you as well).
  • To make these easier, you can use a low-weight plate underneath you (as shown below).
  • For a more advanced version of hanging knee raises, try doing them on an exercise ball.

9. Bicycle sit-ups

  • Sit with your back against a flat bench or a wall and your legs extended in front of you.
  • Bring your hands behind your head, interlocking your fingers.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and curl up until you’re sitting on top of them; repeat 15 times.
  • Be sure not to put any pressure on your neck while doing so.
  • As an alternative, sit sideways with both legs straight out in front of you and contract your abs before curling up toward them until you’re sitting on top of them; repeat 15 times.
  • Avoid these exercises if you have a bad back, lower-back pain or a hernia.
  • Remember If you don’t feel comfortable then it’s better not to do.

10. Exercise ball with weight

  • Using an exercise ball with weight is a simple and effective way to burn fat and strengthen your core.
  • Start by sitting on top of a stability ball that you’ve weighted down.
  • Slowly lift one leg at a time off of the ground, hold for one second, then lower back down. Repeat 8-10 times with each leg before switching over to pushups in plank position (pushup position but on top of an exercise ball).
  • Do two sets of 10 pushups in plank position holding your body off of two exercise balls placed under your shoulders.
  • Lastly, place both legs on top of two separate weighted balls and do bicycle crunches for 2 sets of 20 crunches per side.

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