This image belongs to gadgets addication
  • The world has never been more connected than it is today,
  • But being connected all the time has given rise to some serious issues in society.
  • One of the most prevalent of these issues is addiction to gadgets and other forms of technology.
  • Which can lead to personal and social problems, especially when left untreated.
  • If you feel that you are struggling with gadget addiction or think you might know someone who does, here are four symptoms to look out for.


This poster belongs to gadgets addication.

1. Not being able to focus without your phone

this poster belongs to gadget addication's 1 st symptoms
  • Being connected via your smartphone can be a helpful tool for working moms.
  • Single dads and countless other people who benefit from being always accessible.
  • But having a phone on you at all times can have its drawbacks.
  • Including not allowing yourself to truly disconnect or focus without feeling like you’re missing out on something important.
  • For instance:-
    • one study found that smartphone users are often distracted by their phones even when they’re supposed to be focused on something else such as when watching TV with their significant other.
  • If you find yourself unable to keep your mind on any given task while you have your phone in sight.
  • It might be time to consider digital detoxing:
    • unplugging completely for 24 hours or more so that you can regain control of your life.

2. Worrying about phone battery life

this poster belongs to gadget addication's 2nd symptom.
  • Having a device that’s constantly out of power can make you feel anxious and disconnected.
  • While most devices are able to last several hours without needing a charge.
  • It’s still a good idea to keep an extra charger with you at all times, just in case.
  • Having access to more than one charger is especially important if you travel frequently or carry multiple devices.
  • having backups on hand will help ensure that your gadgets never get in the way of your productivity or social life.

3. Constantly playing with your phone while talking to someone

this poster belongs to gadget addication's 3rd symptom.
  • For many people, a smartphone is an essential part of daily life.
  • But doctors say gadget-related habits can easily become addictive especially if they interfere with real-life relationships.
  • One particular habit is known as phubbing when someone continues to use their phone while talking face-to-face with someone else.
  • Other warning signs include regularly experiencing anxiety if you can’t check your phone and becoming frustrated or upset after spending time away from it.
  • If you feel like your technology habits are taking over your life.
  • Talk to a medical professional about other options for dealing with stress, anxiety or boredom without gadgets.

4. Checking your device while driving

this poster belongs to gadget addication's 4th symptom.
  • It’s easy to rationalize checking your phone when you’re stuck in traffic.
  • But people who text and drive are as dangerous as drunk drivers.
  • At 60 mph, even a 5-second distraction can mean you travel an entire football field without looking at where you’re going.
  • And it gets worse:- A 2014 study by researchers at University of Utah found that drivers who texted while drivingeven those with four years of experiencehad slower reaction times than drivers age 70 or older who weren’t using their phones while driving.
  • If you get behind a driver who’s texting, don’t try honking, flashing your lights or anything else; it’ll only increase their anxiety and make them more likely to focus on their phone rather than road conditions.

You should watch This Youtube Video:- Get Over Phone Addiction in 4 Simple Steps (Practical Solution)


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