Facts About the Dodo Bird
  • To say the dodo bird facts are underrated would be an understatement.
  • A lot of people know about the famous (but long-extinct) flightless bird that once roamed the island of Mauritius, but not many people truly understand why it became so well-known in the first place.
  • In this article, you’ll discover seven surprising facts about the dodo bird, including its appearance, behavior, and sad extinction.
Facts About the Dodo Bird

1) The Dodo bird was a native of the island of Mauritius.

  • The dodo bird is a flightless and ground-dwelling bird.
  • It was once found on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.
  • The dodo bird is a large, flightless pigeon with no natural predators, making it one of the most docile birds known to man.
  • It’s estimated that around 300 years ago there were over a million dodos living in Mauritius.

2) The Dodo bird was related to pigeons and doves.

  • As a species, the Dodo bird is extinct but there are many facts about them that are interesting and surprising.
  • The dodo bird was related to pigeons and doves. It was first spotted in 1598 and was seen as a tasty dish for sailors visiting Mauritius, an island off of Africa.
  • It is said that because of this, dodos were hunted to extinction by 1681.

3) The Dodo bird could not fly.

  • The dodo bird could not fly, because it had a heavy body and short wings.
  • This made it vulnerable to predators like humans, cats, and dogs.
  • The dodo was also an easy target because of its poor vision; it never saw its attackers coming.

4) The Dodo bird had blue-gray plumage.

  • The dodo bird had blue-gray plumage and a large, hooked beak. It had no ruff, but otherwise resembled its close relative, the cassowary.
  • It was last seen in 1662 on the island of Mauritius.

5) The Dodo bird had a large, hooked beak.

  • The dodo bird’s beak was up to 10 inches long and had a hook on it.
  • The beak was used for breaking open nuts and crushing them to get the kernel inside.
  • This large, hooked beak is why many people believe that all birds have a beak like this, but most birds do not.

6) The Dodo bird was a vegetarian.

  • The dodo bird, which was also called a solitaire because it lived on an island all by itself, was a flightless bird that had been around for three million years.
  • When sailors first landed on Mauritius in 1598, they found the dodo birds living in forests, feeding on fallen fruit.
  • They soon discovered that this animal was not very fast or agile and could easily be captured.

7) The Dodo bird was hunted to extinction.

  • The dodo bird is a large flightless bird that was hunted to extinction by humans.
  • The dodo bird lived on the island of Mauritius and was a part of the ratite family, which includes emus and ostriches.
  • The earliest written account of the creature is in Dutch navigator Willem Van Rooijen’s journal.

8) The name dodo is derived from the Portuguese word for fool.

  • The dodo bird was a flightless bird that lived on the island of Mauritius and nearby islands.
  • The bird was a victim of its own success: it had no natural enemies and no need to fly, so it lost its ability to fly over time.
  • Dodo birds were captured by sailors who hunted them for food, but they were never as popular as other game animals like pigs or deer because they were tasteless and their thick legs made them difficult to eat.

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