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  • Humans are funny creatures, aren’t we?
  • We think we’re rational and logical creatures, but all too often our behavior seems to defy logic and reason (and sometimes get us into trouble).
  • These funny quotes on human psychology can help you look at your fellow humans and your own decisions in a new light.
  • Maybe it will help you make better decisions, or maybe it will just provide some comic relief when you’re feeling like everyone else makes no sense.
  • Check out these 7 funny quotes on human psychology, and laugh along with them!
The image belongs to funny quotes on human psychology.

1. When you are down and can’t find an answer…

  • In times of stress, it can be tough to stay positive.
  • Instead of asking yourself why things are happening, ask yourself how you’re going to make it happen. After all, there is always a way forward; even if that way is just one small step at a time.
  • So, when you are down and can’t find an answer or your way out of a challenge, remember these words from Frank Tyger: When in doubt: get it out!

2. Being fair makes you win more than being clever

  • Remember that no one is ever going to congratulate you for being clever.
  • If you win, it will be because your work is so good that it blew away all other competitors.
  • But nobody wants to admit their work wasn’t brilliant and so they’ll congratulate you for being clever instead.
  • This means that if you are trying to be clever in order to win, you’re going to lose because everyone else will try to do exactly what you are doing and (probably) do it better than you.

3. We do crazy things to get back at those who hurt us

  • Whether it’s sabotaging a coworker’s coffee, refusing to tip after a bad service, or throwing up in an ex-boyfriend’s locker, getting revenge is one of those human behaviors that makes no sense.
  • It feels good for about 30 seconds and then we regret our decisions.
  • Why do we punish ourselves (and others) like that?
  • One thing psychologists have learned is that when people feel embarrassed or upset by another person, they need to react even if there is no logical reason for them to do so.
  • A recent study had participants confront another person in public who had just dissed them.

4. Competition is not always the key to success

  • When it comes to developing a successful strategy, there is no denying that competition is important.
  • But not all competition is created equal; some of it can work against you.
  • This concept applies to areas like parenting (don’t always compete with your child), friendships (don’t always try and outdo your friends) and also social media marketing.
  • Although they may seem like a great thing at first, over-saturating your audience can backfire by leaving people feeling exhausted rather than impressed or inspired by what you have to offer.
  • It will be much easier for them to zone out of your posts and ignore future content because they are already overwhelmed all because you felt compelled to prove how great you are at something.

5. Asking questions gets you further

  • Don’t we all like to ask a lot of questions, especially when it comes to our future plans and goals?
  • What about another person’s plans and goals for themselves?
  • If you ask more questions, you get more answers.
  • Asking questions also helps you learn from other people.
  • Often times when we ask other people questions, they share things with us that they normally wouldn’t.
  • That information is valuable and can help make you smarter, stronger, and better at what you do!
  • The next time someone asks you a question (and believe me, people will start asking once they see your great new personality), think hard before answering.
  • You might have a witty response up your sleeve if you give yourself enough time to think!

6. Seeing someone else succeed makes you strive harder

  • One of my favorite quotes about human psychology is:-
    • The best way to get better at something is to watch someone who is already good at it.
    • This has been scientifically proven too.
    • When you see someone else succeed, whether it be in your field or not, a part of your brain called mirror neurons activate and begin firing, creating a response that fires when you see something you like.
    • Even if they don’t see you watching them! Don’t believe me?

7. Everyone lies, even children. Don’t worry, your life will be easier if you embrace this fact.

  • Being honest is important in society, but it isn’t always easy.
  • Sometimes our fears of how others will judge us are so strong that we simply can’t resist lying.
  • Though lying is frowned upon, everyone lies, even children. Don’t worry, your life will be easier if you embrace this fact: Everyone Lies!

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