This image belongs to 10 interesting psychology facts for 2022
  • Your brain can be trained to help you with many different tasks, from learning how to memorize names and faces to becoming better at video games.
  • As we continue to study the human mind, psychologists will discover new ways that your brain can be trained to help you in various aspects of your life.
  • Here are 10 interesting psychology facts that are bound to be true in 2022.

1. The Rise of Empathy

  • One of psychology’s most interesting and most recent findings is how an increasing focus on empathy and kindness can change society.
  • In fact, there are a growing number of psychologists who believe these two qualities are essential to living in society.
  • And that’s great news for you, because studies show that acts of compassion aren’t just nice they make us feel good too.
  • The more we practice being kind and empathetic to others, it seems, the better we feel ourselves.
  • Scientists call it neurochemical rewards and studies suggest that when you help someone else out, your brain releases dopamine into your system the same chemical released during drug use or eating a delicious meal.
  • No wonder people love doing nice things for others.

2. A Fascination with Space

  • Fascination with space has increased to all-time highs in recent years, especially since humans landed on Mars.
  • In 2022, we’ll be ready for take off again.
  • According to psychologists, many people are experiencing an increase in their fascination with space, both because of its scientific significance and because it feels like a new frontier.
  • Humans have explored our own planet and many of us feel we’ve become too familiar with our surroundings; looking at something new and mysterious is naturally going to pique our interest.

3. Exploring Anxiety and Depression

This poster belongs to explain Anxiety and Depression, which is part of psychology
  • Although recent decades have brought a rise in awareness of mental health issues.
  • We still don’t know much about what happens to human brains in relation to mental illness.
  • Several promising areas of research aim to change that and shed light on anxiety, depression, addiction, and more.
  • From improved methods for diagnosing these disorders to innovative ways of thinking about how they affect individuals and their behaviors.

4. Robots That Look Like Humans

  • It’s only a matter of time before we have androids that pass for human.
  • And when that happens, our sense of what is or isn’t another person will be completely altered.
  • You can read more about these advancements in android technology here.
  • If you enjoyed reading, then check out 10 weirdest psychology facts for 2022.

5. Virtual Reality Becomes Real

  • Virtual reality headsets have been used in medical training and video games.
  • But by 2022 they’ll be available to consumers, opening up new worlds of learning and play.
  • Soon, people will be able to don a headset and step into their favorite movie or TV show and travel around it just as if they were really there.
  • From immersive history lessons to virtual trips around famous buildings the opportunities for education and entertainment are limitless.

6. Privacy Concerns Grow Stronger

  • As technology gets even more advanced, privacy concerns will grow and grow.
  • Experts predict that there will be a rise in paranoia as people become increasingly fearful of losing control over their personal information.
  • Especially as companies like Apple and Facebook continue to collect data on every move we make.
  • The rise of self-monitoring devices.
  • Such as Fitbits and other fitness trackers, is also expected to cause more uproar about how our information is being collected and used by corporations.
  • And with cybercriminals getting more sophisticated all the time, everyone needs to stay aware of their identity security.
  • In 2022 you’ll probably want to opt for an offline date night once in a while just so you can share something that isn’t posted on social media yet.

7. An Increase in Puppy Parenting

  • According to Time Magazine, there has been a surge in Puppy Parenting.
  • In 2016 a survey was done and found that almost 40% of people responded that they had at least one pet.
  • With dog ownership so high, it’s no surprise that animal-human relationships are becoming more important to us than ever before.
  • It will only be a matter of time before people start following their pups around like babies and referring to them as their children.

8. Famous Psychologists Emerge on Social Media

  • Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have gained enormous popularity in recent years.
  • We may or may not have given much thought to how social media will evolve over time, but it’s likely that whatever changes are made will dramatically alter how we communicate with one another.
  • What impact do you think social media will have on psychology in ten years?
  • Will psychologists be able to reach a broader audience?
  • How might technology alter therapy techniques and patient/client interactions?
  • In 20 years, what kinds of psychological tests do you think people will take online?
  • Which celebrities would you guess will use online therapy services?
  • Based on your answers to these questions, what kind of work could you expect to be doing by 2022 as a psychologist?

9. More Students Study Psychology at University

  • The number of students studying psychology in higher education institutions around world has been growing over recent years.
  • Between 2011 and 2012 alone, student numbers increased by 5%, with psychological research into areas such as spatial navigation, human movement, problem solving and decision making; to name a few.
  • With interest in psychology continuing to grow, we predict that there will be far more psychology graduates available than there are jobs for them.
  • While some graduates may need to look for other careers or opportunities outside of their degree area; others will simply have to settle for jobs that do not require a psychology qualification.

10. People are Less Likely to be Lonely

  • In years past, it was much more common for people to be socially isolated and lonely.
  • Today, that’s far less likely to be true.
  • The internet has provided people with a community and communication tool they didn’t have just a decade ago.
  • As a result, it’s now easier than ever for people to connect with one another over shared interests even if they’re thousands of miles apart. (Read: In 2022, I’ll talk about how social media influences our health.)

=> Checkout our latest post on 7 interesting facts about Boys.

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